About a year ago I began to follow the rise of Brighton Gin – as the name suggests – a couple of fabulous ladies based in Brighton who brew epic Gin – A Twitter-flirtation began and I could see the opportunities for my clients The Claremont Hotel. After much retweeting and DM -ing- I descended on the Gin HQ and begged an opportunity for the Gin Gals to host a tasting sessions at the Hotel . An April evening was booked to coincide with the launch of Brighton Fringe ; and with the strong branding that Brighton Gin carries – it was always going to be an attractive invitation for punters.
Periscope came into it`s own on the night with live streaming of the hotel, and a boosted Facebook post meant the Hotel had the best turnout for a Private View it had ever recorded.
In these fast and furious times it`s all about chasing down the clients – whether it`s literally knocking on Brighton Gin`s door – to make change and promote the client – more than just social media? “Hell yes.. ”